Alignak-app Installers


Alignak Suite

You must have Alignak Suite installed before using this app :

Alignak-app need at least a functionnal and available alignak-backend to connect with it !

Python 3

You must have Python 3 installed on your system. Only the Windows installer does not need to install Python 3.

Installation (Windows)

An installer is available in repository of Alignak-app on releases page. It is recommended that you use this installer to run Alignak-app on Windows.

You have nothing else to install if you are using the installer !

IMPORTANT: To keep it free, installer is not signed, so Windows Defender SmartScreen will warn you about that. Just click on “More Informations” and on “Execute anyway” to run installer.

IMPORTANT: This installer is currently only compatible with x64 architecture !

You can also buid your own Windows installer (on develop branch for example), see Windows Setup for more information.

However, you can install the application in the same way as under Linux, but this will require you to keep a window open for Python.

Installation (Linux)

You can install Alignak-app like other python libraries, with pip3:

pip3 install alignak_app

The required Python modules are automatically installed, if not present on your system.

If you install App as a root user (with sudo), you have to run --install command before launch Alignak-App ! (see Launch Alignak-App)

Installation (From Sources)

Clone and install

To install from source, clone repos and install with pip

git clone
cd alignak-app
# If you're under Windows, use "pip" instead "pip3"
pip3 install .

External Libraries

You need to install Python modules that are listed in requirements.txt file with pip:


Under Windows

If you’ve installed Alignak-app with pip under Windows, you must link install directory with your Program Files folder. Otherwise, App won’t start.

Open a command Windows console as admin and type the following line:

mklink /J "%ProgramFiles%\Alignak-app" c:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Roaming\Python\alignak_app

Replace <USERNAME> by your username.

Be sure also that you’ve install Python3 on your device.